Take the Happiness Pledge on IHD! - Mary MacKillop Today

Take the Happiness Pledge on IHD!

The UN General Assembly in 2011 adopted a resolution which recognised happiness as a “fundamental human goal” and called for a “more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.” The UN’s partner for the International Day of Happiness, Action for Happiness, has since developed a practical handbook for creating happiness for ourselves and for those around us, by highlighting ‘Ten Keys to Happier Living’.

These ten keys are:

Young Timorese girl smiling looking directly at the cameraGiving – do for others

Relating – connect with people

Exercising – take care of your body

Awareness – Live life mindfully

Trying Out – Keep learning new things

Direction – have goals to look forward to

Resilience – find ways to bounce back

Emotions – look for what’s good

Acceptance – be comfortable with who you are

Meaning – be part of something bigger


We are asked on International Happiness Day to take a pledge ‘to create more happiness in the world’. It’s significant that three of the above mentioned keys, giving, relating and meaning, are about the people around us and about connecting to our communities; as Mary MacKillop said, “Find Happiness in making others happy.”

One possible way you can do this, is by joining us and becoming a part of ‘Mary’s Community’. By partnering with MMI, in which ever way you can, you are able to find practical ways to do for others, to connect with others and become a part of something bigger, creating paths to bring happiness not only into the lives of others but also into your own.

If you’d like to  join ‘Mary’s Community’ and find out more about the many was you can get involved – click here for further information.

Happy International Happiness Day!