• You're giving a voice to women in Fiji

    September 3, 2019

    In partnership with local organisation Ola Fou Fiji, the Talitha Women’s Leadership program aims to empower young women to be agents of change within their community. The training focuses on building skills in leadership, mentoring and financial literacy.

  • Meet Ben...

    September 3, 2019

    As a ten year old boy Benjamin asked his mum to make jam to support his immense love of all things fruity and sweet. He also wanted to support children in Timor-Leste who don’t enjoy the same educational opportunities that he and his brothers have here in Australia

  • Thank you from Theresa!

    September 3, 2019

    Theresa is strong Aboriginal woman from the Gweagal Clan of the Eora Nation, Sydney. She however grew up in her father’s country within the culturally vibrant community of the Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community, on the NSW south coast.

  • A fair income for single teen mums

    September 3, 2019

    Recently ethica ran a crowdfunding campaign seeking funding to produce a new range of gorgeous fair trade bags and accessories to help single teen mums in Peru earn a fair income. ethica is our  social enterprise that believes with all our heart in helping women and mothers to become strong women. Teen pregnancy is closely […]

  • Helping rural Aussies!

    September 3, 2019

    Your ongoing support of Mary MacKillop Today’s Financial Inclusion Team means we are able to offer, in partnership with Good Shepherd Microfinance, No Interest Loans (NILS) to those in need. Successful applicants of a NILS loan receive up to $1,500 with small fortnightly repayments over a 12  to 18 month period with no fees and […]

  • Thank you for the gift of books

    February 5, 2019

    You might remember at the beginning of January 2018 Mary MacKillop Today’s first successful crowdfunding campaign raised over $18,000. The goal was to produce and develop empowering stories of children with disability in Papua New Guinea

  • Your future leaders in action!

    February 5, 2019

    On December 8th, Mount Saint Joseph High School Milperra, celebrated their annual Peru Day. On this day the Year 10 school students raise money for Mary MacKillop Today through all sorts of stalls.

  • Clara's Story

    February 5, 2019

    Clara is a dedicated teacher in Fatuberliu, Timor-Leste. Married and with a young son her goal is to teach and guide her students as if they were her own child. Clara recently completed Mary MacKillop Today’s Health Literacy training