Tag: learning
Health ... teaching skills that saves lives
February 5, 2018In Timor-Leste, MMI recently supported the Timor-Leste Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education for a Global Hand-Washing Day event that was held on October 18, 2017.
- November 9, 2017
Every year 1.4 million children do not live to celebrate their 5th birthday. Watch the video of our Health Literacy Program in Timor-Leste…
Education... empowering future leaders
September 20, 2017In Peru, MMI, in partnership with the Centro de Educacion, Organizacion y Promocion del Desarrollo, trains teachers and involves students in an effort to promote safe environments for children, both in their schools and in their homes.
Health... creating brighter possibilities
September 20, 2017In Papua New Guinea nearly one million children and adults with disability lack access to proper support services. One of MMI’s on the ground partnerships is with Callan Vanimo Special Resource Centre (Callan Services) that seeks to address this imbalance.
Livelihoods... a fair go for all
September 20, 2017Sustainable, meaningful and fair livelihoods benefit whole communities, decreasing poverty that helps families to lead meaningful lives, open to all possibilities.
Read Valentine's letter from PNG!
May 9, 2017Valentine Masa works in the remote township of Vanimo, Papua New Guinea. This is a community where many Sisters of St Joseph served
Livelihoods... a dignified life for all
February 8, 2017There are many barriers which prevent individuals from accessing safe and fair livelihoods. Research has shown that sustainable, fair and meaningful livelihoods for women…
Health... treating all equally
February 8, 2017One of the most basic human rights is the right to health. Having poor health severely limits access to education, work, food and shelter, making it difficult to live purposeful lives of dignity.
Education... the opportunity for a lifetime
February 8, 2017Education has power; it’s more than learning to read and write, it has the ability to transform lives by giving individuals the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute positively to society.
Dear Friends and supporters of MMI
February 8, 2017Welcome to the February 2017 edition of Mary’s World. Last year Pope Francis called all people of goodwill to “live fully, to choose to leave a mark.