• A fair income for single teen mums

    September 3, 2019

    Recently ethica ran a crowdfunding campaign seeking funding to produce a new range of gorgeous fair trade bags and accessories to help single teen mums in Peru earn a fair income. ethica is our  social enterprise that believes with all our heart in helping women and mothers to become strong women. Teen pregnancy is closely […]

  • Collaboration and Hope in Fiji

    November 9, 2018

    Over the past year, we’ve developed two new partnerships with locally-based organisations in Fiji, making Fiji the newest country for our growing Partnerships & Performance work!

  • Celebrating new beginnings at our office blessing!

    September 25, 2018

    Thank you to those who joined us for the Office Blessing at our new space in North Sydney on 17th July. It was great to be able to meet many of our supporters and to have some of our amazing Mary MacKillop Today Scholarship recipients attend.

  • You helped Anna see!

    September 25, 2018

    In the small community of Waramo village in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea, your generous support is transforming the lives of people like Anna.

  • We need your opinion - can you help us?

    September 25, 2018

    I’m writing to you as one of our wonderful supporters because I value your opinion and would like to hear your feedback about what you think of Mary MacKillop Today and why our work is important to you.   

  • Mary's wish

    August 8, 2018

    I believe at the heart of it, that is what Mary MacKillop was trying to achieve… for children to be free, to express themselves, to grow, to learn, to be inspired. To live life fully with a sense of optimism and nurturing.