In the province of Quispicanchi in rural Peru, an incredible 95% of young people finish high school — but only 10% of graduates go on to pursue further studies at university or vocational training centres. As a result, so many young people — particularly women — are faced with limited job opportunities, making it extremely difficult to lift themselves and their families out of disadvantage.
Kind supporters like you are empowering women and young people living in rural and remote communities to break the cycle of poverty. Through the ‘Vocational Training for Women and Young People in Rural Communities’ project, participants join us for training to build their skills for better access to employment opportunities or to create a small business. This not only increases their income, but also improves the living conditions in their rural community.
The project works alongside our local partners CCAIJO and the Quispicanchi Centre for Technical Productive Education (CETPRO) to provide people with accredited vocational training courses based on the needs of their community, such as sustainable agriculture and tourism. The project trains teachers, equips classrooms with resources, and allows young people to join courses at a subsidised rate. As well as receiving technical training, students can develop practical life skills and gain experience with the local business sector — to overcome marginalisation and be contributing members of their communities.

Santusa lives in a rural village in Peru and is a mum of four children. She grew up without any access to education and missed out on the chance to learn how to read and write. When she heard about our training courses, she was eager to sign up and build an education for herself. We were thrilled to have Santusa enrol in a course studying Hospitality and Tourism. She has not only been exceeding in her studies, but she is already using her new skills to build a hospitality business hosting tourists in her home.
“I study and learn a lot from my teachers about how to take good care of tourists. All that helps me so that I can receive tourists in my own home.
My training at CETPRO makes me feel safer and I love myself more because I can speak at the meetings of my community. I believe that women have the ability to represent and lead our communities, not only doing house chores, taking care of the children and raising animals like our grandmothers or mothers.
I am determined and convinced that I will get my degree once I finish my studies and I will tell my children that they can do it too.
Thanks to CETPRO, CCAIJO and Mary MacKillop Today for the opportunity you have given me. Thanks a lot!”
– Santusa, participant in Vocational Training for Women and Young People in Rural Communities in Peru
Vocational Training for Women and Young People in Rural Peru Program receives support from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).