Home›Australia›“Saint Mary MacKillop was a phenomenal person. She is what we should all aspire to be.”
“Saint Mary MacKillop was a phenomenal person. She is what we should all aspire to be.”
Thanks to Jane’s kindness and compassion, she has been making regular monthly donations to support our work since 2012.
Jane tells us “I grew up as the eldest of six children in Shepparton. Growing up in a large household meant that I learnt about the importance of taking care of other people besides myself from a very early age. I’m sure this has influenced my decision to give regular donations to Mary MacKillop Today.
When I was at school, I learnt a lot about social justice leaders – people who stood up for their communities, no matter what the consequences. Saint Mary MacKillop really stood out for me as she looked after people that everyone else had walked away from. Mary just believed that is what we should all do.
Back in 2000, I was involved in a fundraising project with a colleague, selling coffee to raise funds for an education project run in a village in Timor-Leste. This experience sparked an interest in how I could further support education in the country. I had heard about the educational work that Mary MacKillop Today was doing in Timor-Leste and with the connection to Saint Mary, it felt like the right cause to support.
I continue to be inspired by the history of the Sisters of Saint Joseph who developed educational resources and programs in Timor-Leste back in the ‘90s. They worked in partnership with local communities who had no support or resources, and I believe that Mary MacKillop Today is continuing this vital work with those who are most in need.
I am happy to keep giving monthly donations as it means I have a really considered way of contributing to Mary MacKillop Today’s work. Knowing that my donations allow the organisation to plan its projects properly is a great feeling.”
Regular, monthly donations like Jane’s help transform lives through education in Australia and around the world, helping to break the cycle of poverty.
If you would like to join our ‘Independent Spirits’’ family of monthly supporters, helping to create a better world, please visit www.marymackilloptoday.org.au/give-regularly. Your generosity will help to transform lives.