Maurine has been a committed and dedicated Josephite Companion for 16 years.
Maurine has been a committed and dedicated Josephite Companion (women and men who come from all walks of life and are drawn to the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods) for 16 years.
During this time, she has been on more than seven ‘In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop’ – an official Australian National Pilgrimage prepared by the Sisters of Saint Joseph that visits many of the places associated with Saint Mary MacKillop’s life in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. Maurine has thoroughly enjoyed every step of the pilgrimages!

Maurine is inspired by the life of Mary and the great example that she set for everyone she met.
“I am a retired teacher and like Saint Mary, I believe in the power of education to change lives. Saint Mary changed the lives of the most destitute and helped young people follow their dreams. These are the reasons I donate to and (plan to) leave a legacy to Mary MacKillop Today.”
By leaving a gift in her Will, Maurine is a ‘Friend of Mary’ – an honoured group within the Josephite family, who are helping to transform lives through education for generations to come. Maurine’s generous gift to Mary MacKillop Today will impact so many lives of people living on the margins, now and well into the future.
If you’d like to include a gift to Mary MacKillop Today in your Will, just like Maurine, please contact April on (02) 8912 2720.