"It is what we do with our lives that matters." - Mary MacKillop Today

“It is what we do with our lives that matters.”

Confronted with a life-threatening health diagnosis, Anthony* discovered the life of Saint Mary MacKillop and was inspired to help others living on the margins.

Photo of Anthony* in a parkConfronted with a life-threatening health diagnosis, Anthony* discovered the life of Saint Mary MacKillop and was inspired to help others living on the margins.
When Anthony was 12 years old and preparing to transition from primary to secondary schooling, he was told he wasn’t smart enough to attend a Catholic secondary school, despite his strong Catholic faith.

As you can imagine, it was disheartening for young Anthony to be told he wasn’t smart enough and worthy of getting the type of education he wished to receive.
Anthony, who is now in his mid-sixties, has used this experience as motivation to help as many children as possible to have the opportunity he was told he couldn’t have.

“Everyone deserves a great Christian education at all levels. Donating each month and leaving a gift in my Will gives me great pleasure. Knowing I can assist others on the margins in need of scholarships is why I have chosen Mary MacKillop Today as one of my beneficiaries.”

Anthony’s passion to support the work of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph began in late 2016, when he was diagnosed with a severe life-threatening illness. While undergoing high-level treatment, a kind woman from his parish visited Anthony in hospital and introduced him to the inspirational life of Saint Mary MacKillop.

Anthony was also very moved by the outpouring of support he received directly from the Sisters of St Joseph while in hospital.

“The Sisters commenced prayers for my wellbeing and saving with fervent, devout prayers… They also wrote a letter and included a relic from St Mary MacKillop’s coffin to be placed near me… I sincerely thank them from my small heart for their prayers, rosaries, and requests for intercession.”

Anthony continues to be inspired in his own life by the selfless example of Australia’s patron saint.

“I believe in assisting our families first and helping others as best we can. It is what we do with our lives that matters, to live the will of God just as Saint Mary did her entire life.”

Anthony has found an immense sense of joy and fulfilment by leaving a generous gift to Mary MacKillop Today in his Will that will help to continue the inspiring work begun by the Sisters of St Joseph. Whether it will provide training to teachers in Timor-Leste or help increase access to tertiary studies for First Nations students in Australia, Anthony believes the gift is his small way of honouring the charitable legacy of Saint Mary.

“I would implore and encourage others to also bequest a gift (to Mary MacKillop Today) in their Wills to assist those living on the margins as best they can.”

We rarely realise how impactful a single act of kindness or generosity will have on the life of another person.

In Anthony’s case, it was the thoughtful woman from his parish who took the time to visit him while he faced the biggest challenge of his life. She introduced him to Saint Mary and how she had dedicated her life to the service of others.

Eight years later, Anthony’s generous gift to Mary MacKillop Today is impacting the lives of those less fortunate, now and well into the future. If you’d like to include a gift to Mary MacKillop Today in your Will, just like Anthony, please contact April on (02) 8912 2720.

*Image changed to protect privacy