• Celebrating bold action on IWD!

    March 7, 2017

    This International Women’s Day, MMI would like you to get to know Maria Pereira, who, through the empowerment of education has boldly made positive transformations in both her own and her children’s lives.

  • Pray with us on World Day of Prayer!

    March 2, 2017

    World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christians of all traditions who come together each year on the first Friday of March to observe a common time of prayer to which all people are welcome.

  • Health... treating all equally

    February 8, 2017

    One of the most basic human rights is the right to health. Having poor health severely limits access to education, work, food and shelter, making it difficult to live purposeful lives of dignity.

  • Education... the opportunity for a lifetime

    February 8, 2017

    Education has power; it’s more than learning to read and write, it has the ability to transform lives by giving individuals the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute positively to society.

  • Hello from the women of Pitumarca, Peru!

    January 30, 2017

    Sophie Jenkins, MMI’s International Program officer, recently met with the women of the Puka Phallcha association in Pitumarca, Peru, including Lourdes, aged 27, who was recently elected as president of the association…

  • Meet the inspiring future leaders of Peru!

    January 24, 2017

    MMI’s International Program Officer, Sophie Jenkins, is currently visiting our programs in Peru.  Last week, Sophie met these inspiring future leaders of Peru, pictured in front of the mural they painted…

  • Connecting... compassion in action

    January 16, 2017

    Throughout last year, the students and staff of Mount St Joseph in Milperra, once again demonstrated their passion and drive for social  justice, working tirelessly to change the lives of women, men and children in Peru.

  • From us to you - a Christmas wish

    December 19, 2016

    As Country director of MMI I would like to convey my great gratitude of your generous support to us. You have tirelessly committed to help our Timorese people and special thanks to the Mobile Learning Centre donors.

  • A wonderful celebration of music, faith & community!

    December 15, 2016

    Sydney Sings with Amelia Farrugia was a wonderful celebration of music, faith and community on Saturday 10thDecember. So many people from the local Blessed Sacrament community and quite a number from a-far enjoyed the strength and beauty of Amelia Farrugia alongside her beautiful students.