Yesenia Romano, our Programs Coordinator for Peru, recently spent 10 days in Peru spending time with our partners and program participants to learn about the impact of the work that you are supporting through your generous donations.

While on her trip Yesenia had the opportunity to visit participants of the ‘Enhancing Women’s Civil Participation in Rural Peru’ project in the Quispicanchi province to learn about their experiences of learning to be leaders in their communities. This project provides training to elected female councillors and leaders, helping them perform their duties more efficiently and boosting their confidence to actively participate in decision-making spaces.
“It is always inspiring to hear from women who are often shy and previously overlooked speak out and share how the training and experiences gained from the project are transforming many aspects of their lives,” shared Yesenia.
While speaking with the female participants, Yesenia heard how one woman felt embarrassed about attending the workshops as she could not read or write. The team from our local partner CCAIJO assured her that “those who cannot read or write still know how to think and speak” and that was all she needed to hear to sign up for the rest of the project!
Another participant shared that she was inspired to join the project after witnessing how her mother was treated by her community. “I joined the project because I saw that my mother was not allowed to participate in the community assemblies. Was my mother so worthless that they wouldn’t let her participate? I attend the training sessions, and everything I learn, I share on the radio program I work on.”
We wish all the women involved in this project the best of luck in finding their voice.
Enhancing Women’s Civil Participation in Rural Peru receives support from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).