Dear Friends and Supporters - Mary MacKillop Today

Dear Friends and Supporters

A message from our CEO

Picture of Jane Woolford, CEO
Jane Woolford, CEO

I’m so happy to welcome you to this Winter 2024 edition of Mary’s News Today.

I hope you enjoy reading the stories in this newsletter, that show what your kind partnership with us means to people in need around the world.

You’ll read an update on Herminia, the inspiring grandmother in Timor-Leste whose story I shared over Christmas. When Herminia was a child, she was eager to go to school, but there was only enough money to send her brothers.

So, she waited 50 years to learn to read and write. Thanks to you, Herminia joined our Parents Training Project.

We recently caught up with Herminia and were delighted to see how she thrives today.

She has this message to share with you:

“Before attending the training, I couldn’t read. I couldn’t sign a letter at the bank when arranging my grandson’s scholarship. I couldn’t sign the document, so I made a finger press.

But now, I know how to write and sign my name. I can go to the market to buy things and I don’t get scammed anymore because I know how to count money. It’s a big change for me.

Thank you to the donors for helping me go back to school. I now enjoy teaching my children and grandchildren at home. I feel better knowing they will be able to write, read and work.”


Thanks to your kind support, not only can Herminia now read and write, but she also pours her heart into teaching her four grandchildren these essential skills, creating a powerful legacy of knowledge. We’ve selected more inspiring stories like Herminia’s to share with you today:

I hope you enjoy reading these uplifting stories you make possible. Thank you so much for your compassion to give people hope for a better future where they can flourish.

With gratitude,

Jane Woolford
Chief Executive Officer