A message from our CEO
There’s no doubt it is tough right now for people globally. The rising cost of living is pushing so many families to the margins. So many people are in need. With the generosity of our supporters, we can respond with practical action and contribute to solutions. This is how we can flourish together.
When we partner with determined people, we can reach those who are living on the margins — just as Saint Mary MacKillop did. We can continue her legacy to provide the gift of education so people can break free from poverty.
Partnership is solidarity in action. It is working together to deliver real change where it’s needed most — our staff, our local partners, our generous Australian supporters, and the people around the world who participate in our programs.
Our partners ‘on the ground’ provide us with vital local knowledge to strengthen our programs. They understand what their communities need to bring about change, justice, and improved livelihoods. It is imperative that we listen to our partners, learn from them, and be open to unexpected solutions they offer.
I’d love to share some of the latest successes from our team. Our Financial Inclusion team is helping people in regional NSW to achieve financial freedom. We collaborate with community volunteers in western Sydney to support the South Sudanese community. And we’re providing Scholarships through tertiary education partnerships to First Australian students to overcome disadvantage.
Kind people like you are helping us work with communities in neighbouring countries too. In this edition, you can read about our team in Timor-Leste who are working with local partners to reach remote villages with programs like our Mobile Learning Centre. And you can read about Santusa in Peru who is now running her own business to support her family.
I’m excited about the coming months. We are entering a period of reflection, discernment and planning as we craft our new Strategic Plan. To help set our direction over the coming years, we want to listen to the voices of all those engaged with our work to strengthen Mary MacKillop Today’s mission into the future.
Everything we do only happens because of your support. I see the evidence of your compassion and generosity every day — and through the work of each of our partners. Thank you so much for helping communities flourish around the world, so people can reach their full potential.
With gratitude,
Jane Woolford
Chief Executive Officer